Sunday, March 30, 2008

*biting fingernails* *sighing nervously*

Ok, well, that little workout plan didn't go so well. And since my daughter has recently weaned, and I HAVEN'T been walking or jogging (read: broken toe), and I HAVE been feeling bad about that and therefore eating MORE, and I'm NOT producing milk (read: needing a gazillion calories a day)... Well, because of all of THAT, I've gained about 8 (EIGHT) pounds since I last visited our secret pink apartments.

SO! I did something I've never done before.... I joined Weight Watchers! Online! An actual, factual goddamn DIET! (I love how they say "it's not a diet, but a life change", and then introduce you to your new best friend, the measuring cup, while seating you next to your second new best friend- a family size bag of spinach).

As you can imagine, this is very traumatic for me, because a) I had to admit that I have too. much. fat. and b) I had to admit that I. need. help. with loosing it.

*gulping humble pie*

Soooo, here we go. But hey, at 2 lbs/week (I hope), I can be about 16 lbs lighter by June 1. That would be cool.

Oh, but wait. I joined WW for free for 7 days, which is good, because then I got to wondering... should I be doing Bob Green's "Best Life" diet instead???? Anyone????