Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Confession about diets

I've never been on a diet.

Not Weight Watchers, not Slim Fast, not South Beach or Atkins.


This is not to say that I don't NEED to, um... diet.

I've had "health kicks" in the past, where I've focused on physical fitness and eating better. To be honest, I eat pretty healthy meals, but have some trouble controlling myself around sweets.

I also can't control myself around avocados, but whatev. They're "good fats". AND SO YUMMY.

So um, I'm thinking about trying that silly Oprah and Bob Best Life thingy. Because I really like "programs" that have "authority" and can lead me on a straight and narrow path.

Besides, everyone knows New Year's Resolutions don't start until January 15th, right? (I just made that up. Besides, after how today went, I'll have to edit that to January 16th).

Whadda ya think. Should I do it?


Anonymous said...

I've never been on a diet either! & also, I think avocados are mandatory in this building.

Anonymous said...

I have been on many diets. I almost always lose weight. But in the end, I'm always heavier than when I started.

Erin said...

I'm with you on the diets. Which, in my opinion, is a GOOD thing (as in, not dieting is a good thing). I'm all about lifestyle, and not so much into the weight loss fix-it solutions. But I guess whatever works, huh? I seriously think if you aim for Better Health as the goal, the weight loss will come. Maybe not in the quantity you're hoping for (because who DOESN'T want to lose 5 more pounds?), but at least you'll feel better, etc.

THIS coming from ME, who ate half a bag of lime tostitos last night after drinking a beer. What was I thinking? I didn't feel good about it this morning, let me tell you.

Constance the Thirteenth said...

I actually did Weight Watchers once (the online program, none of that meeting business) and didn't feel like it made a huge difference. The thing that made a big difference for me was going to the gym - working out most days of the week knocked off pounds like crazy, and I really didn't alter what I ate. And you know it made me healthy and all that too...

Misty said...

Diets are no fun.

I think you might actually be hard pressed to find someone to tell you that diets are awesome and always work and are completely painless so go on one today! I think most of us are gonna be all like, Ug. The only reason to diet is desperation, poor health, and self loathing. Or at least, those are my reasons.

ConstanceTheSixth said...

I think you are on to something with the eating right and exercising. I have never been on an "official" diet as to where I had to buy a book or log into a site, attend a meeting etc. Good luck on whatever you choose to do.