Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I'm hosting playgroup at my house tomorrow.

I emailed everyone sorta last minute (which is "normal" for our group).

I know Bonni doesn't check her email often.

I haven't heard back from her.

I didn't call her to make sure she knew.

I just don't really want to see her. She IS invited, yes. But I'm not going out of my way to ensure she knows.

It feels a bit catty and "typical woman"-ish to act this way towards her. Like I said, she IS invited. But sometimes I just can't rally. I just couldn't make myself pick up the phone and call her.

I'm just letting the cards fall. I'm not preventing her from being with our shared playgroup friends. I'm not trying to exclude her. Heck, if she came, I'd even be happy to see her.

But it still feels a bit... mean? immature? to know she probably doesn't know about it and not do anything.

I am lame.


Constance the Thirteenth said...

Nothing wrong with that! You are preserving your own sanity - if she were worried about being included with everything, she would start to check her email more often (as you said last minute emails are the norm).

Sometimes being passive aggressive is the only thing that helps you keep your sanity...

Enjoy your playdate!

Anonymous said...

Not lame at all, just taking advantage of an already existing situation. I hope you have fun! & that she doesn't show up at the last minute.

Kristin said...

TOTALLY NOT LAME! You emailed her just like you did EVERYBODY else. You need a break from the insanity. I hear you.

Kristin said...

TOTALLY NOT LAME! You emailed her just like you did EVERYBODY else. You need a break from the insanity. I hear you.

ConstanceTheSeventySixth said...

Ugh, I have one in my playgroup that I am pleased doesn't come to much. She is one of those "by the book" Mom's who have perfectly great (and ugly ass - sorry but it is true) children. I am always pleased when she says she can't make it - always for an over elaborate reason.