I received a couple of emails and comments as to why I removed the post (below) from my other blog.
I suddenly became nervous that somehow that post would get back to Dr. J0key, or at least back to one of the many people that work in that clinic/hospital and know him, and that it could cause me to loose my job.
While working as a d0ula, I work directly for my clients. HOWEVER, when I am teaching ch1ld b1rth classes I work directly for that doctor. And that doctor is part of a practice of 6 other doctors, all of whom support our work as d0ulas within the hospital/clinic setting. They even pay for our business cards and advertising, as well as speak kindly about us to any of their patients that ask about d0ula services.
Sooo, while loosing my job* would really suck, I'm even more worried about jeopardizing the work of d0ulas in Bigger Town. I would really hate to be the one that gave d0ulas a bad name, or worse, the one who caused d0ulas to loose many of the privileges that we currently enjoy (such as being able to attend c-sect1ons, along with the pregnant mom's partner- many hospitals do not allow this). It would suck for us, as d0ulas, but it would really suck for the birthing women too, to not have our services as an option.
*my job as a ch1ld b1rth educ@tor is very part time- I work every M0nday night and two Thursd@y nights a month. So it averages to be around 10 hours/week or less. But teaching those classes allows us (most of the other teachers are d0ulas, too) to meet 30-40 pregn@nt women every 5 weeks, which is how many of our clients come to hire us. It's a perfect hand-in-hand combination of interests that is unique. Most d0ulas are nearly 100% on their own when it comes to finding clients.
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